Empowering the individual, again.

is a multi-media news package focusing on innovative medical procedures, advanced technologies, and positive outcomes which are recognized as cutting-edge by national healthcare organizations. Each MedFiles news segment package is produced on a local market-by-market basis – and features local physicians, patients, and hospital facilities.

MedFiles educates and informs the public about the high-quality outcomes and advanced technology available and utilized in the local market by local medical practitioners.

Produced for use as – and at the cost of – simple video vignettes, the unique business model of MedFiles can bring media distribution of video and radio vignettes, newsprint articles, and web content without media cost to the underwriting organization.

Local Media will be provided the opportunity of using the MedFiles local news segments – without cost to them or the underwriters of the segments – and will be given the option of receiving MedFiles stories in an editable format, or a final version. For example: Television stations may edit their own talent into the segments and replace the voiceover track, making the segment “theirs,” or choose to run the original version.

MedFiles Underwriters receive a license to use all content in physician and hospital offices and clinics, as well as on all physician- and hospital-associated websites. Additionally, in return for high-quality national content featuring local news, local media are licensed to distribute the stories at no charge.

MedFiles will

  • Tell the quality story of local healthcare services
  • Support physician relationships
  • Build relationships with other healthcare providers
  • Strongly position a hospital, physician group, or Accountable Care Organization on the leading edge of healthcare

To Recap , MedFiles educates the public utilizing nationally-recognized leadership stories featuring local physicians and facilities. All are produced locally, and distributed through local television, radio, newspaper, and Internet sites.

To discuss market availability, or make an appointment to review
the MedFiles program, contact Joe M. Moore at 251-633-5491
or email him at Joe.Moore@Moore-Innovations.com

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